Sound advice for your patients

Are you a Medical Professional seeking hearing advice for your patient?

If you are concerned that your patient is experiencing problems with their hearing, it is important to know what options may be available to them. Our team of highly trained hearing specialists are dedicated to helping people experience the joy of better hearing. We will make the journey easy for your patients and provide them with on-going support and care.

Who should you refer?

You should refer anyone you suspect may have a hearing loss. Your patient may have hearing loss if they are reporting or experiencing any of the following:

  • Muffling of speech and other sounds.
  • Difficulty understanding words, especially against background noise or in a crowd.
  • Having to ask others to repeat themselves or commenting that people don’t speak clearly.
  • Needing to turn up the volume of the television or radio.
  • Withdrawal from conversations.
  • Avoidance of some social settings.
  • Feeling tired or stressed from having to concentrate while listening.
  • Friends or family commenting on their hearing.
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Why should you refer patients with suspected hearing loss?

Hearing loss is the third most prevalent health issue facing older adults. Nearly half of people older than age 75 and approximately one-third of those aged 65 to 74 have a hearing loss. However, only 20% of those individuals who might benefit from treatment actually seek help. Untreated hearing loss can affect a person’s physical and mental health, including their overall health, behaviour and relationships. As a person’s hearing deteriorates the sound signals to the brain become weaker. This can result in a lack of auditory stimulation and social isolation, and has been found to be a significant risk factor for reduced cognitive function and dementia. Early detection and treatment of hearing loss can help prevent some of these health concerns.

Hearing related risk factors

Ageing - Approximately one in three people between the ages of 65 and 74 and nearly half of those older than 75 have hearing loss.
Noise exposure - Both long and short-term noise exposure can damage the inner ear.
Diabetes- Hearing loss is twice as common in people with diabetes compared to those without.
Smoking - Current smokers have a 60% higher risk of having hearing loss than non-smokers.

Heart health - Inadequate blood flow and trauma to the blood vessels of the inner ear can cause hearing loss.
Head or ear trauma - Particularly to the temporal bone, ear trauma can cause conductive and sensorineural hearing impairment.
Tinnitus - 90% of people with tinnitus also have a hearing loss.

Diagnostic Hearing Test

If your patients have any concerns about their hearing ability then a referral for a Diagnostic Hearing Test & Consultation is recommended.

Learn more
A woman taking a hearing test

Our services

With 120 clinics nationwide, Bay Audiology is the largest audiology network in New Zealand. We offer a range of services which support preventative, diagnostic and rehabilitative solutions to hearing loss. We offer the following appointments FREE of charge for GP referred patients aged 18 years and over:

Free hearing check

A basic 20-minute hearing screening. Recommended for adults who are not sure if they have a hearing problem.

Diagnostic hearing test & consultation

A 75 minute full diagnostic test & consultation. Recommended for adults who are aware of hearing problems and want to know more about technology solutions, and/or experience tinnitus. This appointment is valued at $79, but is free for your patients. 

Medical hearing test

A 30-minute appointment for adults who have noticed sudden hearing loss or other medical symptoms such as eardrum related issues. This appointment is valued at $79, but is free for your patients. 

In addition we also offer

  • Personalised hearing aid solutions for all budgets and levels of hearing loss.
  • Hearing aid fittings, featuring the latest technology from a range of manufacturers.
  • Tinnitus assessment and management.
  • ACC hearing tests as a Registered ACC Supplier.

New Zealander’s are eligible for the Government subsidy

Every New Zealand citizen and permanent resident aged 16 years and over are entitled to a Government subsidy of $1,022 towards a pair of hearing aids, or up to $511 towards a single hearing aid, once every six years. In addition to the Government subsidy, there are also several other funding options including ACC and Veterans’ Affairs. Our audiologists will help your patient apply for funding that may be available to them and support them every step of the way. 

Click here to learn more about our funding options or contact us on 0800 800 864 for more information.

Our GP Services

GP Screenings

We can provide on-site hearing checks for patients at your practice. This includes a 20-minute appointment to determine if a hearing loss is present. This is a screen only and if a hearing loss is detected, a full diagnostic hearing test will be recommended.

Continued Medical Education (CME) Presentations
If you would like to learn more about the signs and effects of hearing loss, we can visit your practice for a GP presentation. Our presentation has been endorsed by The Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners (RNZCGP) and has been approved for up to 1.0 credit per session CME for the General Practice Education Program (GPEP) and Maintenance of Professional Standards (MOPS) purposes.

How to refer your patients

Referring to Bay Audiology is simple and easy. There are two main ways to refer your patients to us:

  • Referral vouchers - Give your patients one of our referral vouchers to book an appointment at their local Bay Audiology clinic.
  • MedTech - You can also refer your patients directly through MedTech. Simply click on 'ConnectedCare' in the menu, then to 'Audiology Referrals', and then click 'Refer to Bay Audiology'.

Get in touch for more information

To request more referral vouchers, brochures or to arrange a GP screening or presentation at your practice, contact us at

Audiologist analyzing the woman's hearing.

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